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Intro to Seller Financing


Understanding Seller Financing with Ryan Bakke


In a recent episode of the LearnLikeaCPA podcast, host Ryan Bakke delves into the increasingly popular topic of seller financing in real estate. With his unique blend of expertise and experience, Bakke breaks down this complex financing method, making it accessible for both novice and seasoned investors.


The Rise of Seller Financing

Seller financing has gained traction recently, especially with rising interest rates. This method involves a direct transaction between the seller and buyer, bypassing traditional financial institutions. It's particularly appealing in scenarios where a buyer may not qualify for a conventional loan due to factors like debt-to-income ratio or credit history.


Personal Experience: Ryan Bakke's Journey

Bakke shares his personal experience with seller financing, highlighting how he purchased his second rental property using this method. He narrates how, being maxed out on his debt-to-income ratio after purchasing his first property, he capitalized on an opportunity to buy additional properties from a seller who was unaware of the concept of seller financing.


The Benefits of Seller Financing

One of the most significant benefits of seller financing is the flexibility it offers both buyers and sellers. For sellers, it can be a tax-efficient way to offload properties, spreading out capital gains over several years. For buyers, it offers an opportunity to acquire properties without traditional financing, which can be crucial for expanding their portfolios.


Convincing Sellers to Consider Seller Financing

Bakke's experience also sheds light on how to approach sellers who might be unfamiliar with seller financing. He emphasizes the importance of educating sellers on the benefits, such as tax advantages and the ability to sell properties faster.


Upcoming Topics in Seller Financing Series

The podcast promises to cover various aspects of seller financing in future episodes, including convincing sellers, understanding tax implications, and finding seller financing deals. Bakke’s approach aims to provide comprehensive insight into this financing method, equipping listeners with the knowledge and tools to effectively navigate these deals.


Join the Community for More Insights

For listeners eager to delve deeper into real estate strategies, Bakke invites them to join his Facebook group, 'Tax Strategies for Real Estate Investors'. This community of over 8,000 real estate investors is a resource for sharing strategies, tips, and experiences.


Conclusion: Embracing Seller Financing in Your Investment Strategy

Ryan Bakke’s exploration of seller financing opens up a new realm of possibilities for real estate investors. Understanding and effectively utilizing this method can be a game-changer, offering flexibility and opportunities for both buyers and sellers in the dynamic world of real estate investment.


In this informative episode, Ryan Bakke provides a thorough introduction to seller financing, a valuable tool for real estate investors. His insights and personal experiences offer a practical guide for those looking to expand their investment strategies, highlighting the advantages and opportunities presented by this unique approach to financing.

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